What to Expect at A Holistic Nutrition Consultation

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When the school I graduated from asked me to write an article for their website I was thrilled. I was even more thrilled to learn that it was part of an umbrella campaign to help the public understand what we, as professionals do, and how it can help you.

If you have worked with me in person, or have gotten to know me through my website or online programs, you know that I advocate wholeheartedly for self determination where optimizing our health is concerned. I believe that it is up to us to create sustainably healthy lifestyles that will help us live healthfully into our old age. Naturally, our diet has a huge role to play here. As my website states – Prevention IS the cure. 

Often the reason clients make the decision to see a nutritionist is because they want to lose weight, or they have encountered a health issue, and their doctor has advised them to modify their diet in order to help this issue. Problem is, we are so inundated with what I call “nutrition noise” we don’t know where to start first.

Whether you are dealing with a mental health issue, Type II Diabetes, or Hashimoto’s Thyroid just to name a few, nutrition is a great place to start – and a Holistic Nutritional Consultant can help you navigate through the clutter and noise and provide clarity on steps you need to take to optimize and support your best health.

For some insight on what that process might be like, please read my blog on the Canadian School Of Natural Nutrition website.

As originally published – click here:



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