cleanse friendly


Spoiler Alert – I am not Vegan. I am not even vegetarian, though I try to infuse my diet with as many plant based foods as possible on a daily basis. I also love variety, and am always looking at ways to increase the nutrient value in my foods. This CHICK PEA SMASH is like


Peanut Butter Pudding Cups

Most people trying to lose weight or manage their blood sugar struggle with snack time. Sure it’s easy to find a healthy roster of snacks, and eating a handful of almonds, veggies with hummos and guac and carrot sticks will definitely help to shift those sugar cravings. What about those times when you are just

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My Favourite Loaded Toast

  Avocado Toast is such a filling and nutritious breakfast or snack. Pick your favourite good quality bread (I like sprouted varieties), smush some healthy, ripe avocado on it, and add some healthy toppings like tomato slices, cucumber, spinach, etc. and sprinkle with hemp hearts (I  always use Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts). You can drizzle

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Healthy Homemade Ranch Dip

This dip is healthy for a few reasons. It beats the heck out of store-bought brands that are often made with added sugar, preservatives, and unhealthy, hydrogenated oils. It’s dairy and sugar free. It’s homemade. End of story. As an added bonus, it takes under 1 minute to make, doesn’t require any kitchen equipment, and

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Apple Cinnamon Muffins

  I ask you, what goes better together than apples and cinnamon? Definitely one of my favourite taste sensations. This recipe is a popular choice in our home, as well as with clients.  It is an example of a ‘Shifted’ recipe. It is adapted from a recipe in one of my favourite cookbooks “Silver Platter”

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