
A Primer On Organics

I am often asked my opinion about organic food vs conventionally grown, and if you have asked, you know that I would prefer to buy everything organic, and generally stick to the Dirty Dozen/ Clean 15 as a guideline. However, our bodies are remarkable machines that can tolerate a lot and organic selections still remain […]

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Weight, What’s Going On?

I recently had a really interesting conversation with one of my clients. This incredibly bright and determined woman,  who also happens to be highly dedicated and ‘compliant’ in her weight loss mission, has undergone a complete stall in her weight loss since January.  She is beyond frustrated. We discussed some possible reasons and approaches, as

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Re-Energize and Revitalize – Body, Mind and Soul – Guided Meditation

-A series of 3 transformational sessions. Each will include- -one hour guided, energizing meditation lead by Sylvia Abergil -Nutritionist lead discussion regarding the  impact of stress and digestion, stress and how it affects weight loss, and nutritional guidance designed to optimize nourishment in the face of stress. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th – 9:00-10:30 am SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER

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